Sunday, April 5, 2020

End of times

These is crazy times that we are living these days. This virus is spreading like wildfire and people are dying all over the place. My heart is heavy every time I look at the news and it is heartbreaking to see how the little things that people take for granted hurt others. I am heartbroken for the kids that are seniors and they are missing out on their prom and graduation and senior pictures. All of the things that kids work so hard to get to and this milestone has been ripped out of their lives. Kids that are in 8th grade graduating to high school do not get to have their 8th-grade trip or graduation. These are all things that we take for granted and now these simple things are no more. The weather is getting warmer and friends and family cannot even get together and enjoy spending time together. Leisurely shopping is a thing of the past because we could either get infected or infect someone else. It seems as though people have lost their joy in life. Now is the time for people to come together apart and realize that we can get through this if we will only do our part and stay home. I know it seems like forever but, if we can take these few months and just enjoy the downtime and spend some quality time with the people that are in our homes maybe the family unit can be strengthened during this time together. If you are at home alone realize that you really are not alone. Get online and spend the time that way with people. There are online gaming websites that people can chat and play games together. I know that it really isn't the same as spending time with people in person but, it will allow you to feel a connection with people. If we allow ourselves to get bogged down with the circumstances that are going on in our world than we will only get depressed and dig a hole so big that we won't be able to climb out mentally. I know that this is easier said than down but, we can do this and we will do this. I have been taking time every day to deep clean different parts of my house. This is hard for me because I experience severe pain daily but, I push myself to at least do 1 thing every day. I can see the good that it is doing in my house and I really like it. People that are really used to working days and now they are not able to do that it really is affecting them but, if they use this time to catch up on things that they would normally not have the time to do then that will keep them busy. I know that doing homeschooling is hard for some people because they are not used to it but, my theory on this is to just have fun with it because our children's education is riding on what we do right now. I was already homeschooling our daughter using an online program that we pay $25 a month for and now my son is using the school's online homeschooling program for his school. My daughter loves the online school aspect but my son hates it because he would rather be in school. Like I told him though, this is only for 2 months right now and hopefully by August when school goes back to the regular setting maybe everything will be back to normal. Even going to the grocery store right now is stressful but, if you will take the time to do online shopping then it will cut out a lot of unnecessary stress in your life. I actually like to do the online shopping thing, but my husband really doesn't care about it. Although, now he is starting to see things my way. I am even not having to go to the pharmacy to pick up my medications because they are now doing free delivery. I have also created a pattern for a crocheted face mask that you can put a filter cloth into. I took some jeans that my husband had that he wanted to be cut off for jean shorts and I used them to make the filer part of the mask. Now when we have to go out of the house we at least have one safety protection in place. I am going to close for now and go plant some flowers in the planter on my front porch. I put up a bird feeder the other day and a day before that my husband repainted our birdbath and a couple of friends moved it into the front yard for me. I have also received from an online order for a harness and leash for my bearded dragon Yoda and I have taken him for a walk into our front yard. We also have a pool table on our back porch and we can go outside and at least get some fresh air and shoot pool. In a couple of weeks, we are buying a grill for the back yard and a swing. I also have a hammock chair that I need to put up in the back yard. Now is the time for us to keep our eye on the prize and enjoy our calm lives at home. I have been able to catch up on new release movies due to a free website. All in all, we will make it as long as people quit being selfish and hoarding things that they do not need that much of at one time. Keep your chin up people we got this together apart. Love and prayers for everyone. If you have anything you want to say or any comments you may have please feel free to share with others. Let's help each other with suggestions that can help us to pass the time together apart.

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