Sunday, February 2, 2020

17 days and still counting down

Well I know that it has been a couple of day since I have written anything. That is because on Friday I had 8 back injections and I was not feeling up to much of anything. Then today I had a fibro flare up and could barely move out of bed. On a brighter note since having the knee injections my knees are feeling better. The back injections worked so I go back in a few weeks for another 8 shots and if that works then they will get authorization from my insurance to go in and burn the nerves. I can't say that I am not nervous about it because that would be a lie. In fact I am more nervous than anyone really knows because if I showed my fear then my husband wouldn't want me to do it. The reason I am doing it is because I can no longer live with the excruciating pain that I am in. Like I told my doctor, the needles hurt way less than the pain that I am already in. I also understand why my husband doesn't take the shots because everyone is different and he tried them and they didn't help him. Right now he is a bundle of nerves, between the waiting on the taxes and starting a new job tomorrow he is driving me crazy. I feel like he has a low self-esteem because even though he knows that he can do the work the fear of the unknown gets him every time. Like I tell him, if he goes and it is something that he knows that he absolutely can't do then leave. It really isn't a big deal. I mean it isn't like we will go to the poor house if he doesn't keep this job. I try to encourage him whenever I can. He is a wonderful provider and an excellent worker. He is always afraid that someone will see the brace on his leg and judge him as a crippled. Well 5am comes way to early in this house.

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