Monday, May 2, 2016

Hoarder or Upcycler

I find it really funny that now people who pick up what others call junk and transform it into useful things are called crafty and upcyclers but,  in the past they were called junkers.  Well call me what you want but,  i enjoy getting "junk" and making cool stuff.  So far i have gotten drawers and made shelves and tires and made flower pots.  I really get excited when i can look at something and see the potential in it.  My Mom was the same way but,  the only thing with her was that she would get things and mean to do something with them but,  she would never get around to it and she became a hoarder.  I dont really feel like she meant to become a hoarder but,  when she passed away i found out how bad it had actually became.  It took 3 days to go through everything in her 3 bedroom doublewide trailer so that way we could figure out what was important and what was her good inventions.  Her home wasn't filthy to the naked eye but,  once you moved furniture and opened closets and such then you found out how really bad it was.  It broke my heart to find this out.  She helped so many people because she was a counselor but,  when it came to her she didnt have anyone to help her.  I felt ashamed, not because of the fact that she was a hoarder but,  the fact that i was unaware of it and i felt like i should have known.  I have learned to let the guilt go because i could not live in the past in the shoulda coulda wouldas, but in the here and now and concentrate on myself and how i can follow through with projects that i do. Today i picked up some pavers that i am going to spray paint as m&ms.  I also picked up black fence to go around my vegetable garden,  a tiki torch for the back pattio,  2 cute plants,  a gate for the back yard,  a piller for the back patio, 2 elephants for my front steps and 3 planters.  To me this was an awesome find but,  to most they would fine it just a bunch of junk.  If tomorrow goes acording to planned i am making some candles.  Well i hope you enjoyed reading this and if so please share it with your friends.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


I hate not being able to sleep.  Sometimes i M really exhausted and all i want to do is sleep and then i have days where I can't sleep at all.  It really is agrivaiting.  Well tonight is one of those nights where i just can't sleep so i am taking the time to write.  So far in my flower garden i have mulched and added to diy recycled tires over two stumps and added more flowers and i still have more to plant.   I have attached pictures so you can see updates.   The tires were really easy to do and the total cost was $12 in supplies and the tires were free.  I used 4 cans od white spray paint and 2 tiny cans of 2 different colors of exterior paint.  The one tire was really big because the stump i had to cover on that side was a little larger.  Even my husband helped me and we had a lot of fun.  He was off work last week because he got hurt but he is doing better and he will be returning to work on Monday.  Which is a good thing because being at home with nothing to do drives him crazy.  I on the other hand love being at home because i have various things to do to keep me occupied,  like writing, playing video games,  listening to music,  cooking, cleaning, gardening, my diy projects,  puzzles,  sewing and such.  I dont often get bored i guess because my mom used to tell me that intelligent people dont get bored so i was always having to come up with ways to keep myself occupied.  Tomorrow i am making a peach cobbler and an apple cobbler because my family and in-laws love them.  My mother in-law wants me to make some more potatoe soup but i am not sure when i am going to make that.  My hubby made vegetable soup today and boy was it good,  he can really cook when he wants to.  I will tell you how i make my cobblers,  in a crockpot add 2 cans of sliced fruit with the juice,  take 2 cake mixes and dump them on top of the fruit,  place 2 sticks of butter on top ofthe cake mix,  put the lid on and set it on high and cook it for about 4 hours.  You can use and fruit you like and any cake mix that you like. You dont add any water or eggs and be sure not to drain the fruit because the juice is the liquid that is needed to make the cobbler.  It is good served plain or you can add a scoop of ice cream or some whipped cream.  If you dont want to make a lot you can cut the recipe in half.  Well i am going to wrap this up.  Remember if you enjoy reading my blog please share it with others.  Thank you for your support and take it easy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Well it is another day in the life and tumes of me.  Not a whole lot has been happening around here except for rain rain and more rain.  Which i guess can be a good thong because it is helping my vegetables to grow and keeps me from having to pack water to them.   My husband has been off work forthe past 2 days because he hurt his knee trying to help an idiot get a turn zero out of the pond afyer the big dummy gotitstuck init after being told notto take the mower down there because he doesn't like authority and he is too lazy to weed eat he did it anyway sonowmy hubby is missing out on being able to work all week.   Anyway, i was reading today that the idiot President that we have has decided to not have the national day of prayer next month because he doesn't want to offend anyone.  Well whah whah,  get over it people he cant stop anyone from celebrating whatever they want to celebrate.  I believe that everyone should just go on with their plans according to schedule and if he don't like it he can get over it because it is freedom of speech.  People need to wake upand realize that we as a nation have given him way to much power and he is ruining our country more so than any other President in the history of our nation.  And another thing that is in the news here lately is allowing men to use the women's restroom or vise versa.  Well why even have signs up if any gender can go into any restroom.  I personally am not comfortable with a dude coming into the same restroom as me and i know my husband definitely feels the same way.  I dont care if you call yourself a dude and your a woman or you call yourself a woman and your a dude,  whatever floats your boat you have to answer to God for you not me so i really dont care about all that i just dont want a dude in the bathroom with me and my girls no more than i want a woman in the bathroom with my husband and my boys.  And as for Target allowing this to happen at their store oh wow have they opened up a big can full of worms.  I dont blame people for boy cotting them,  i used to like them but i refuse to go there now. I believe that there are ways to solve this issue and that is to have either private restrooms or have a transgender bathroom like the places that have a family restroom.  But heaven forbid a company do that because we dont want to offend the trangenders but oh its ok to offend the women or men and children who are now havibg to be subjected to this crap.  I really dont understand people sometimes cause they act so ignorant.  Well that ismy pet peeves and gripes for today,  stay tuned cause i am sure i will have more real soon.  Peace and love to all and if you like my blog please share it with someone.

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Ok so yesterday my husband And I planted more in our garden and our yard.  We planted 19 flowers,  13 tomato plants,  12 banana pepper plants and 2 bell pepper plants.  It is defiantly coming together.  I cant wait until hatvest time because i love vegetables.  I have 12 flowers and 2 bags of 2 different onion bulbs to plant next week and i am buying more.  I am also getting some lighted path markers,  windchimes and a flag pole and more pretty things for my yard.  I have a singing pink flagengo and a matching pink flagengo windchim and flag.  I love summery stuff.  My hubby is getting me a set of tools and a sewing machine for mother's day and our anniversary because i like to reperpose old stuff.  Well i have attached sone pics of the garden so far.

Friday, April 22, 2016


For people that don't live with cronic pain they do not seem to understand the trouble that it causes those of us that do have to live with it.  Everyday tasks like standing up,  getting dressed, showering, holding a cup etc. are hard to do and can be very painful.  People look at you and you look to be perfectly fine on the outside but on the inside you are experiencing excursiating pain and you try to put on a brave face because you dont want people to feel sorry for you.  I myself experience pain on a daily basis, I try to keep a smile on my face so that no one will know but,  there are some days that it is so hard for me to even drag myself out of bed and face the day.  I have to literally force myself to get up and put one foot in front of the other and make it through the day.  Sleep is a problem due to the pain so that is something else that i have to deal with. Some people associate it with weight problems or just being lazy,  but that is not always the case.  It is a constant turmoil for me because i am anything but lazy and if you walk into my home on any given day at anytime you will see that my home is clean and well maintained.  My husband is a big help but,  there are days that he is just too busy because he works some days 11-12 hours and by the time he comes home he eats,  bathes and he is ready for bed. So i don't expect him to come home and have to clean too.  Now some doctors want to contribute pain issues with being over weight,  now i am not saying that weight cannot be a problem but, there are skinny people with pain issues.  Also i have heard people say try exercises or yoga and that will help,  wrong answer there too because where that may help some it is not a cure all answer for everyone because i have tried both and where i have joint damage exercise hurts worse and yoga where you would think the gentle stretches would help only made it worse for me and my doctor advised me to stop it immediately. Walking makes my hip and knee paun worsen so a lot of walking is also out of the question.  Being in a swimming pool does help as long as i am not doing anything strenuous,  laps and such.  I haven't found any medication that really rids me of pain either.  I amby no means sharing all of this to receive sympathy from anyone i just want to make people aware that some people deal with inner pain and even through they look perfectly fine you never know what is going on with them on the inside not only physically but mentally as well.

Monday, April 18, 2016

My rant against abortion

OK so this morning I am on my soap box and I am extremely pissed off because of the whole abortion crap that some politicians that are running for president are supporting. How in the world can anyone support abortion?!?!?!? It is plain and simple, abortion is murder!!!! The baby is a living human being. Just because you decided to have sex and you got pregnant does not give you the right to commit murder. I know that some people are like, "but what about the woman who was raped?", to that I will say, " I am sorry that something horrible like that has happened to you but that baby did not choose that either and now that the baby has been conceived you do not have the right to murder it and if you don't want it then give it to someone who does".  How can anyone say that it is OK to murder a baby? So if this is OK then is it OK that if you decide that oh motherhood wasn't for me so I guess I will murder or have someone murder my baby, toddler, child or teen? Oh and I no longer want a husband so I can murder or have someone murder the to? Oh I don't want parents or siblings so I can murder or have them murdered too? Yes I know that sounds stupid but it is no more stupid than murdering an innocent baby that just happens to be developing in a woman's body. Hi h and the whole "it's my body and my choice" garbage it a big ol crock of BS because you made the choice to have sex now deal with the it. People if you don't want your baby then give it to someone who does and if you are not ready for a baby then keep your legs crossed and men keep it in your pants. And if your birth confailed then oh well you knew the risks before you had sex. I will end my rant here and leave you with this, murder is murder and the baby is a human being and does not deserve to be killed just because you don't want the inconvenience of having a baby, oh well you knew the risks so deal with it and either raise the baby or give it to someone who will live it and raise it. Too many people want children and can't have them and then are heart broken at the idea of people killing their babys due to not wanting them.