Thursday, February 21, 2019

Too much shopping and a whole lot of remodeling

These past to days have been hectic.  Most people think that shopping is fun but, for me it can be so exhausting.  Last night by the time we got home I was so wore out all I was able to do is watch my favorite tv series Prison Break, I am really addicted to this show.  It is a little bit of action and a little bit of mystery all rolled into one.  Then after I watched my show I took my medicine and was out like a light.  Getting up every morning and running around shopping for the things we need and paying bills and keeping up with the house work takes a whole lot of  energy from me that I really don't have but, I have to keep going because I cannot just curl up in a ball in bed and forget about everything.  Well today I have took my hubby and son to work, shopped, paid bills, laid a rug in my bedroom, took my hubby and son lunch, fixed dinner, cleaned the house and picked up my hubby and son from work.  Tomorrow is not going to be any better because I have to get up at 5am, take my son to work, then me and my hubby have to drive for 1 hour to go see his doctor and see my doctor to get my vitamin B-12 shot, pay a couple bills, pick up my bookshelf, drop hubby off at work, then go home and wait for my pots and pans and bake ware to be delivered and then they are delivering our new couch, our bedroom suite, Kia-Leigh's bedroom suite and Luther and Dalton's bedroom suite.  Then I have to put my bedroom together.  I have drew a family tree on the wall in the living room and I have it outlined, well today bought the paint and brushes to finish it up and then I am going to get all of our family photos and hang them around the tree branches.  I also got a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons and a set of hook screws that I am going to install inside of one of the cabinet doors in my kitchen.  I can't wait to draw and then paint the pictures and measurement on the inside of the cabinet door so that way I can hang the cups and spoons.  Also I have bought a few things for the bathroom like rugs, shower curtain, shells in a basket, stickers for the walls and some pictures.  I am so excited about how awesome that our home is and is going to be.  Yes it has been a lot of work and quite a bit of money but, for us it has been worth it because the owner doesn't care what we do to the place.  I can decorate and do it all my way which is awesome to me.  Well today this is a little bit of a short blog but I tried to a least squeeze in something and I hope it gives you an insight as to my life. Peace and Blessings!!

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