Saturday, June 5, 2021

Either Cry or Write

 When everything is building up and you either have to write it all down or bust out crying I feel for me it is best to get it all out by writing. I am so tired. Physically and emotionally. There comes a time when people just need to grow up and quit dumping on us and quit relying on us. We are not counselors I mean there is a reason people go to school to become licensed counselors and we are not it. They say you can lead a horse to water but, you can't make it drink and that is so true. I am so tired of people making the wrong choices and then expecting me to be ok with it. I am not ok with the wrong lifestyle choices that are being made and I am no longer just going to sit back and accept it with my mouth shut. I just can't do it anymore. I am also sick and tired of the threat of suicide being played with. Suicide is a real thing for some people and when people are just using it as a way to get attention then it just really pisses me off. I deal with enough stress with my own health issues of not being able to do what needs to be done around the house to help out so I am down on myself about that and I am constantly fighting an inner battle on a daily basis so I really don't have the time or the energy to have to deal with another grown adults problems that are actually solvable they just don't want them solved. If you are happy with the way your life is and you don't really want to change then stop coming to me with your so-called problems and pissing and moaning and using me if you are just going to sit and roll around in your self-pity and then keep on doing what you have been doing and you are not going to change because it is not going to happen in my house around my kids. I am putting my foot down. I have had enough I can't take anymore. This is affecting what little sleep I do get. I am starting to have night terrors again. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. My stomach stays in knots, I have a constant headache, and I feel irritated all the time. I can't take anymore. Even my hubby is irritated, has a constant headache, and can't sleep well. It really is affecting our family in a bad way. If anyone out there reads this and they pray please pray for our little family because we need it really bad.

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