Saturday, June 26, 2021

When Your at the end of your rope

 When you are at the end of your rope and you have finally had enough of everyone's crap, it is time to put your foot down and start living for yourself and your family. Giving tough love to your kids is a hard thing to do but, sometimes it is necessary to make them wake up and become stronger people in the long run.  A person can only take so much before they finally explode. Well over the last few days my husband and I have been under an enormous amount of pressure and finally this morning it all came to a head and he let it all out. We are emotionally and mentally exhausted and we really need some rest. We are saving every dime we get so we can move back to our home in Florida and just get away from it all. We were crazy for ever thinking that it was a good idea to move back to Kentucky because ever since we have been back it has been one headache after another. The one thing that is sad about leaving is the one family that we will be leaving behind and they are not just friends they have became family because they have treated us better than our own family has ever treated us and we love them as a family should love each other. Although it isn't like we will never see them again because they now have a reason to vacation in Florida often and they will always have a place to stay when they come down. In fact, we are supposed to get together with them today to go to the waterpark when she gets off work. As you can see whenever I write my blogs I try to leave names out of them because I don't want to have things fall back on me and for people to get butt hurt if they happen to read this. I would have never thought in a million years that I or my husband would have raised a bunch of whiny snowflakes but, apparently, we have because they tend to piss and moan about stupid things that don't amount to a hill of beans. I personally try to avoid drama at all cost when I can but, if it can't be helped then I will tackle it head-on, and believe me you don't want me to confront you because I will hurt your feelings real quick because I have come to the point that if you don't respect my feelings then I don't give two shits about yours either. I do get kind of discouraged though, about some things like for instance, all these people raising money to help others with pages and they get thousands of money for all kinds of things and I ask for help to get us to move because my doctor said with my health Florida would be the best place for me and I can't get help with one red cent. I even see Youtubers giving money away to strangers, buying strangers cars, trucks, jewelry, clothes, shoes, and houses and I get nothing, zip, zilch, nada. I just don't understand because I am not a bad person. I help people in need whenever I can and I never expect anything in return. I just want to go home so bad it is killing me to stay someplace that we really don't want to be and to just exist while we are here is awful. The stress that my husband and I are under lately has been causing us to have nightmares and that is awful in and of itself right there. I just hope that by the first of August there is a light at the end of the tunnel and we can move back home to our peaceful paradise. 

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