Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Well it is another day in the life and tumes of me.  Not a whole lot has been happening around here except for rain rain and more rain.  Which i guess can be a good thong because it is helping my vegetables to grow and keeps me from having to pack water to them.   My husband has been off work forthe past 2 days because he hurt his knee trying to help an idiot get a turn zero out of the pond afyer the big dummy gotitstuck init after being told notto take the mower down there because he doesn't like authority and he is too lazy to weed eat he did it anyway sonowmy hubby is missing out on being able to work all week.   Anyway, i was reading today that the idiot President that we have has decided to not have the national day of prayer next month because he doesn't want to offend anyone.  Well whah whah,  get over it people he cant stop anyone from celebrating whatever they want to celebrate.  I believe that everyone should just go on with their plans according to schedule and if he don't like it he can get over it because it is freedom of speech.  People need to wake upand realize that we as a nation have given him way to much power and he is ruining our country more so than any other President in the history of our nation.  And another thing that is in the news here lately is allowing men to use the women's restroom or vise versa.  Well why even have signs up if any gender can go into any restroom.  I personally am not comfortable with a dude coming into the same restroom as me and i know my husband definitely feels the same way.  I dont care if you call yourself a dude and your a woman or you call yourself a woman and your a dude,  whatever floats your boat you have to answer to God for you not me so i really dont care about all that i just dont want a dude in the bathroom with me and my girls no more than i want a woman in the bathroom with my husband and my boys.  And as for Target allowing this to happen at their store oh wow have they opened up a big can full of worms.  I dont blame people for boy cotting them,  i used to like them but i refuse to go there now. I believe that there are ways to solve this issue and that is to have either private restrooms or have a transgender bathroom like the places that have a family restroom.  But heaven forbid a company do that because we dont want to offend the trangenders but oh its ok to offend the women or men and children who are now havibg to be subjected to this crap.  I really dont understand people sometimes cause they act so ignorant.  Well that ismy pet peeves and gripes for today,  stay tuned cause i am sure i will have more real soon.  Peace and love to all and if you like my blog please share it with someone.

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