Monday, April 18, 2016

My rant against abortion

OK so this morning I am on my soap box and I am extremely pissed off because of the whole abortion crap that some politicians that are running for president are supporting. How in the world can anyone support abortion?!?!?!? It is plain and simple, abortion is murder!!!! The baby is a living human being. Just because you decided to have sex and you got pregnant does not give you the right to commit murder. I know that some people are like, "but what about the woman who was raped?", to that I will say, " I am sorry that something horrible like that has happened to you but that baby did not choose that either and now that the baby has been conceived you do not have the right to murder it and if you don't want it then give it to someone who does".  How can anyone say that it is OK to murder a baby? So if this is OK then is it OK that if you decide that oh motherhood wasn't for me so I guess I will murder or have someone murder my baby, toddler, child or teen? Oh and I no longer want a husband so I can murder or have someone murder the to? Oh I don't want parents or siblings so I can murder or have them murdered too? Yes I know that sounds stupid but it is no more stupid than murdering an innocent baby that just happens to be developing in a woman's body. Hi h and the whole "it's my body and my choice" garbage it a big ol crock of BS because you made the choice to have sex now deal with the it. People if you don't want your baby then give it to someone who does and if you are not ready for a baby then keep your legs crossed and men keep it in your pants. And if your birth confailed then oh well you knew the risks before you had sex. I will end my rant here and leave you with this, murder is murder and the baby is a human being and does not deserve to be killed just because you don't want the inconvenience of having a baby, oh well you knew the risks so deal with it and either raise the baby or give it to someone who will live it and raise it. Too many people want children and can't have them and then are heart broken at the idea of people killing their babys due to not wanting them.

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