Friday, April 22, 2016


For people that don't live with cronic pain they do not seem to understand the trouble that it causes those of us that do have to live with it.  Everyday tasks like standing up,  getting dressed, showering, holding a cup etc. are hard to do and can be very painful.  People look at you and you look to be perfectly fine on the outside but on the inside you are experiencing excursiating pain and you try to put on a brave face because you dont want people to feel sorry for you.  I myself experience pain on a daily basis, I try to keep a smile on my face so that no one will know but,  there are some days that it is so hard for me to even drag myself out of bed and face the day.  I have to literally force myself to get up and put one foot in front of the other and make it through the day.  Sleep is a problem due to the pain so that is something else that i have to deal with. Some people associate it with weight problems or just being lazy,  but that is not always the case.  It is a constant turmoil for me because i am anything but lazy and if you walk into my home on any given day at anytime you will see that my home is clean and well maintained.  My husband is a big help but,  there are days that he is just too busy because he works some days 11-12 hours and by the time he comes home he eats,  bathes and he is ready for bed. So i don't expect him to come home and have to clean too.  Now some doctors want to contribute pain issues with being over weight,  now i am not saying that weight cannot be a problem but, there are skinny people with pain issues.  Also i have heard people say try exercises or yoga and that will help,  wrong answer there too because where that may help some it is not a cure all answer for everyone because i have tried both and where i have joint damage exercise hurts worse and yoga where you would think the gentle stretches would help only made it worse for me and my doctor advised me to stop it immediately. Walking makes my hip and knee paun worsen so a lot of walking is also out of the question.  Being in a swimming pool does help as long as i am not doing anything strenuous,  laps and such.  I haven't found any medication that really rids me of pain either.  I amby no means sharing all of this to receive sympathy from anyone i just want to make people aware that some people deal with inner pain and even through they look perfectly fine you never know what is going on with them on the inside not only physically but mentally as well.

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