Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Ok so today I am going to weigh in on the whole racism issue that is going on in America these days. One thing is our family consists of other races and I am by no means racist. You can ask anyone who knows me I will tell you that I don't care if you are pink with purple polka dots. Also we are big football fans. Normally we watch football every time it is on my husband has a favorite team I have a different favorite team and kids have different favorite teams and we just love watching football as a family. We usually have a small Super Bowl football party with just us and some good food watching and enjoying the game with each other. Although this year it has been quite different it is hard to see the teams turning against America. When the national anthem is being played out of respect for the country that you choose to live in you should stand and when I see whole teams refusing to be present during the national anthem or I see this idiotic black power sign being presented during the national anthem and people taking a knee or just not standing out of respect I have a big problem with it. My thing is if you choose to live in the United States of America then you should show respect to that country and if you don't like it then leave don't live here. When you refuse to stand for the national anthem to me it is like slapping a veteran or a soldier in the face because we live in a country where we are free to choose how to live our lives I may not agree with how you choose to live your life you may not agree on how I choose to live my life but we have that freedom because there has been people fighting for us giving up their lives and their time with their families to make sure that you have that freedom to live your life how you choose. So when you cannot give just that few minutes of respect back to a country that is giving you that freedom I find a big problem with it nobody said you have to stand and salute or put your hand over your heart or anything like that just remove your hat out of respect and stand by standing to me all that is showing is you know I respect those people that have laid their life down to fight for my freedom and I really don't think that is too much to ask especially since these football players are grown men who are supposed to be setting an example for other people and for children. It is bad enough how are kids these days are so disrespectful in the way that they treat others and how they conduct themselves to have grown men showing this lack of respect for their country is crazy to me its just nonsense. Its like grow up think about more than just yourself here and think about the lives that you are impacting. And on another note with the football players this craziness of the black community with the black power symbol that they do when they tackle someone or make a touchdown is crazy its like really if a white man on a football team made a derogatory  symbol or sign then it would just not be allowed. I would be just as offended by a white man making a symbol as I am with a black man making a symbol to me because I don't see color it's just hate is all I see. I don't think that it should be allowed and I think that when it happens there should be some kind of consequences to these actions either fine the player or bench them don't allow them to play when they don't play they don't get paid hit them in their pocket books where it really matters to them and then let it go from there and see how they act. This is a job for them that they are getting paid to do. If they were on the job at a gas station and they were throwing up race symbols then they would be fired and it would not be accepted so why is it that they feel that they have a right to throw up race symbols on the field which is their job place. Other races say that they want the races to be united and as one and equal but then they throw up race symbols and have black only or certain race only scholarships and schools and to me I feel that is wrong because if there was a white only scholarships or schools then that is not allowed because it is racist. Civil rights people fought for this movement to have every race treated equal so then how can we be truly equal when we have separate scholarships for certain races. To me it is just that right is right and wrong is wrong and if it isn't right for one race than it isn't right for all races period. I understand that America is multicultural but we have one thing that unites us and that is or should be the American language and that is English. I feel like if you live in the United States that you should have to learn to speak English. It is not our job to learn your language to make accommodations for you. You chose to come to America so you should learn our language. If I go to a foreign country they are not going to make special accommodations for me they expect for me to learn their language because I am in their country and if I don't know it then I must find my own translator and pay that person to be my voice. I can't just go anywhere in that country and expect that they should have someone that can do that for me. It would be my responsibility because I chose to go to a foreign country. So I feel that in the same respect it should not be the responsibility of businesses or people to have to know other languages to accommodate people who refuse to learn the language of the country they choose to live in. Some places won't hire a person if they are not bilingual and I don't feel that is fair because as long as you can speak English and be able to do your job then that should be enough. Also to graduate high school you have to take a foreign language class and to me that is not right I feel that it should be your choice if you want to learn a language other than English. We don't force our kids to learn sign language but yet we have a lot of deaf people in America. To me why not make that a class that is taught in school? I am going to close with that but this is juat a little insight into some of the things that are going on in America that I am acknowledging.

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