Monday, October 23, 2017

I feel selfish

Here lately I feel short tempered with my hubby and I feel that I am being selfish. For example it seems to me that here lately there seems to always be something wrong with him. There is never a day goes by that he either doesn't feel good or he claims pain in some part of his body. He has went from someone who rarely gets sick to always something being wrong and he will ask "do I look like I don't feel good or do I look tired" and usually no he doesn't it to me feels as though he just wants attention and for me that is not a way to get my attention. It really irritates me and I let him know it but he is just not getting it. Also he is very negative with me here lately. It makes me feel that no matter how hard I try I just can't do anything good enough. For instance I can clean the house everyday and make sure dinner is ready when he gets home and he will find something to complain about like there are clothes in the dyer why didn't you fold and put them away what do you do sit and watch tv all day. Also he will call on his breaks and tell me things I need to do which he says he is just reminding me but for me it makes me feel like that he thinks I am to stupid to know what needs to be done. I have told him how I feel but he keeps doing it. I know he loves me and everything but it is stuff like this that is causing me anger and I am trying to cope with it and handle things in a Godly way but I am really lost on what to do. I just have a lot of junk in my head because of my weight issues and then Daltons school and Sarah being in jail and getting rehab and then him adding to my stress it really isnt helping and now because of all of this the skin problems that I have are acting up and my hands are raw and dry and cracked and are very painful. I dont say any of this to make my husband look bad because he isn't he really is a good husband and father and provider for our family. I just want to let people know that they are not alone and that no marriage is perfect. Everyone has something that they are working on. I normally try to focus on the positive because it is important to not get caught up in the negativity because whatever you focus on becomes bigger. I feel that sometimes he can be offensive when I try to tell him how I feel so I am trying to pray and ask God how to say things when I talk to him. Now I by no means am trying to say that I am perfect because I am far from it but I am trying to do and say the right thing. Another thing that is going on is that our daughter called to say that she is glad that she went to jail and that she is getting the help she needed. She is going to Celebrate Recovery and some other class to help her and that she wants to come home after she gets out next month. I am praying that she has honestly had a change of heart and that she will keep up with the progress that she is making now. Because in the past she has been selfish and only thought about herself and not about the family. I have never stopped praying for her or stopped loving her. I have been angry with her and really hurt by her actions. I wrote her a letter to let her know how I feel and I hope that she understands. I let her know how I felt and I let her know that our door is always open for her if she is truly willing to change because I have to first and formost think about the 2 young ones that are in our care. I cannot allow her to hurt them by her selfish actions. My fear is that she is only doing these things right now because she has to but prayer is that it is a true change of heart and that when she is out and she has a choice that she will make the right choices. There is a lot of stresses right now bit I k ow that God is in control and that everything is going to be ok. For thanksgiving my husband wants us to go to Lexington to go out to lunch with some friends and to stop by and visit his family. I really want to be excited for this and be able to be able to have a fun and enjoyable day but I am nervous also because with that family there is always something that goes wrong. They are negative and they can never just be happy with life. They are not happy unless they are putting someone down. They dont get along with each other and someone is always stabbing someone in the back. His mother is raised one of his ex's kids and she treats our kids and my kids lije outsiders. Its just stressful being around them. I try not to allow them to bother me but then I sort of get accused of being a snob. But they act like white trash and I am better than that. It is hard to find a happy medium because I know they don't like me because they have said they don't.

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