Sunday, July 18, 2021

When your car goes Kerplunk!!

 Well in February we started making payments on a really cute little car. My husband told them while it was under warranty that something was wrong with the motor but, they wouldn't listen to him and they waited around until after the warranty ran out to finally say that oh yeah there is something wrong with the motor but, sorry about your luck the warranty is out and now you have to pay for another motor to be put in it. Now they want us to give them $1500 now and $600 plus our car payment of $400 a month to put in a used motor. We told them straight up no because we don't think they are doing us right and we are turning in the car this Friday to them. We decided if that is how they treat their customers then we no longer want to do business with them. So, we went somewhere else and got an SUV. I know it sounds crazy to some people because we had been paying on the other car to turn it in but, there is no guarantee that a used motor is going to not have problems and then we are going to be out even more money and we don't have $1000 a month plus $1500 down to give them to fix the car with a used motor anyway. This now brings us to our second problem, now we have to add back to our savings for our move because we had to dip into it to be able to get the SUV. Without getting another vehicle though my husband wouldn't be able to work and we wouldn't be able to move anyway so we had to do it. We just have to wait a couple of weeks longer than we wanted unless a miracle happens and someone actually donates to our GoFundMe page, which I doubt will ever happen because things like that never happen for us. We have been so stressed out for the past week over all of this it has made us physically ill. We are trying so hard to make a better life for our kids and ourselves and it is like everything is against us. It seems like every time we try to do something good for ourselves everything goes wrong. I see nothing wrong with trying to better ourselves. My husband stays stressed because he feels like he is letting us down because he is trying so hard to work for the money and everything that can go wrong does. I try to tell him that he is doing his best and not to stress but, he says that is easier said than done. I don't know what more I can do. I keep calling the Appeals council and they keep telling me that my case is still pending but it has been expedited and this is the same response I have been getting for 2 years now. They told me I should have an answer in 11 months but, it has been 24 months. I know people who get approved within 4-5 months but, I have been fighting since 2014. This is so not fair. If I could physically work I would but, I can't and I have doctor's statements to back me up and I don't understand how people are getting theirs so quickly while I am made to sit and wait for 7 years. I called the 1-800 number and they are going to see if they can find out why it is taking so long. I am supposed to call them back on the 26th. Hopefully, they can get some good answers because it is like they are just putting my case on a shelf somewhere and forgetting about me. I know the money isn't much but, it would at least help a little and I would at least feel better. Right now I feel like a burden because I can't work and I don't have an income and my husband has to do it all by himself. He tells me that I am not a burden and that as my husband it is his place to take care of me but, still I would feel better if I was contributing something even if it is a little check every month. Every little bit does help. I am sorry if I sound like I am complaining because I don't mean to, it is just if I don't get my feelings out somewhere and I keep them bottled up I will keep on being depressed. I always feel better after I have gotten my feeling out. I am doing the steps that my therapist has suggested so that way I don't keep my feelings buried and then I explode. For instance, I was upset about the older kids not wanting to have anything to do with us after moving out. Well after talking to my therapist and psychiatrist and some friends I am now feeling okay about it and I don't have my feeling about it buried anymore. I have one last thing to do and I found a way to contact Cody to find out why he decided to cut ties out of the blue. Well, I finally got ahold of his new wife and I asked her to give the message to Cody since he wouldn't message me back. Well, she messaged me back with a really nasty message full of lies that Cody had told her, and then she blocked me. So at least now I have closed with that. So at least now I know who my "family" really is right now and that is the ones who live in our house. They are the only ones that I can really count on to be there when I really need them. Like for instance a few months ago I fell and broke my finger and a few ribs and the "family" in my house were the only ones that were there for me to help me when I needed it. They are the ones that are there on holidays and any other days. I do have 1 daughter who lives on her own who is struggling right now and she has her ups and downs. She does call on holidays though. So I do still claim her. But. the other I don't because if I am not worth a free phone call at least on the holidays then I refuse to claim you. 

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