Friday, July 9, 2021

Why is everything a debate

 Why is it nowadays that with teenagers everything is a debate? You can't just simply say clean your room and they do it. No, they want to debate or reason as to why they need to do things on their terms or their time or their way. When I was a kid we did things when our parents told us to. We didn't tell them to wait a minute or what we thought our opinion of the matter really was we just shut up and did as we were told unless we were asked for our opinion and then we were respectful when we gave it. I don't understand where I messed up with these last 2 kids. I really don't because I have racked my brain trying my best to think what I did to deserve such disrespect from them and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I have done wrong. I did my best or at least I thought I did my best raising them the right way and I have always shown them the respect that they deserve and even when they have been disrespectful I have still given them respect. So why is it that they feel like they have the right to disrespect me by arguing with me whenever I ask or tell them to do something? Their chores are really not that difficult and do not take that long and they spend more time trying to argue and find ways not to do them than if they would just pitch in and help get the job done in the first place. I mean really all the one has to do is keep their own room clean and feed and water the car and scoop the cat litter and the other one has to clean their room and take out the trash and mop the hallway. What is so hard about that? Also, we ask them to do little things to help us like take out the trash or pick up things around the house to keep it clean but, then you would think that we are asking for the end of the world. When I was growing up I was an only child so all the chores fell on me and my parents both worked full-time so I made sure that the house stayed clean so they didn't have to come home to a dirty house. Not these two. If we clean the house and leave for a few hours and come home and ask them to keep an eye on the dogs while we are gone so they don't mess up the house they want and we will come home to not only the dogs messing the house up but, there are a lot of the times they have messed the house up too and they wonder why we get upset with them. It isn't like they are little anymore they are both teenagers and both are capable of cleaning up after themselves but, you wouldn't know it by the looks of their rooms or our house before we clean the house. But, I refuse to clean grown kid's rooms. I will not do it. I don't care how messy it gets because I am not able to clean it. Let me rephrase that I do care how messy it gets it is just that I will not clean it because if I do then they will just mess it back up anyway. My husband works and then comes home and helps clean the house because I can't really do a whole lot because of my health and then our older son on his days off helps clean. I am just so frustrated by the lack of disrespect that I receive I don't understand and I don't know what to do. I feel like I am going to explode and when I do then I am going to be the bad guy because I am going to be the one who is being mean for no reason because they just don't see what they are doing is wrong. It is really not fair. Also, you would think that they would stop and realize that we have bent over backward to give them a home when we didn't have to. We love them as our own, we always have and we always will. I just wish they would get that understanding about them. I just wish that would start respecting us. They don't seem to backtalk my husband as much as they backtalk me. Why is it that I am the one that gets used as a doormat? Shew, even the dogs listen better to my husband than they do me. My husband says that I am too soft on them and that I have to make them do it but, how do I make them do something that they don't want to do? I ask them to do it and they don't. I tell them to do it and they don't. I yell at them and they don't listen. I can't physically make them get up and do something that they don't want to do because they are as big as I am so, basically, if they don't want to do something realistically what am I supposed to do? I cannot say that every day is a bad day because it isn't. Some days are good but, here lately the good days are getting few and far between. Having teenagers should not feel like a jail sentence and there are days for me when it does and that is not fair. They say when you do the crime you do the time but, the sad part is I didn't do the crime so why am I being punished. Kids scream today Life isn't fair, well I say yeah your right life isn't fair so get over it and quit complaining. If life was fair I wouldn't be in pain every day of my life at age 47. If life was fair my kids would love and respect me. If life was fair I would live in Florida right now and would probably be on the beach. So don't talk to me about life being unfair because I am the wrong one. Then we have a kid who thinks we must be an ATM and are made of money because it is always asking for something. I just want to scream you are an adult grow up and quit running to mom and dad to fix your life. I can't even fix mine. My life sucks too, join the crowd. Quit crying, why did I move back to Kentucky because I say that every day. Quit saying, this family sucks because no one is ever there for anyone because I already know that. My in-laws put the dys in dysfunction. I will leave you will that little tidbit right there. That is my rant for the day. Thank you for reading about my screwed-up life hope it helps you feel better about yours. 

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