Friday, January 20, 2017


So far life I guess is getting better or should I say easier to handle or cope with.  Some days I feel like I am going through the motions while others I feel like I am enjoying life.  Last night I dreamed stupid dreams like I dreamed my husband cheated on me which is crazy because he would never do that because that is one of his many pet peeves.  Well in my dream I am so totally passed off that when I woke up to the alarm going off and I had to wake him for work I was still passed off and I was like get up for work. Usually I  am nicer than that. He asks can you make the coffee and I was like I guess so I  get up and go to the bathroom and then go to the kitchen to make coffee and I am still mad and I am giving him dirty looks and he doesn't even realize that I am mad at him for a dream. So I am making our coffee and I am telling myself what is wrong with you it was a dream that he has no control over and you know he would be never do that so get a grip and wipe it from your mind, which I did and then I was fine but could you imagine if I didn't wow that was just a strange feeling for me and I really didn't like it at all. I on different note, people like actors and famous people are mad because Donald Trump is now the president and they were all like they were going to leave the country because he won. I am like we'll bye because that is so retarded.  People come to this country because theirs is so terrible but since they didn't get their way they are leaving well I guess your country wasn't so bad then after all if you are going to act like a spoiled brat who lost the game so you are taking your ball and going home. Well all I can say is good luck with that.  People always complain when someone new takes office. Not everyone is going to be happy with every choice that is made but you know what it is time to put on our big kid pants and act like adults. Suck it up buttercup it's 4 years and then we get to vote again.  Look at all the past presidents there has always been problems and we are always going to have problems so get over yourselves and if you think you will be so much happier in a foreign country then bye and don't hit your butt on the boarder on the way out. And when things get tough there or better here don't act like you want to come back because you walked out remember that.  Another thing that is on my nerves right now is the Black Lives Matter crap. Well hello all lives matter not just one race and color.  Whites fought to end slavery just as much as the blacks so let's get that straight and you know what that happened in the past so let's move on and get over it. I think that people just want something to argue and fight about.  Every color and race has problems so quit acting like babies and get over it. If people would start dealing with their own issues and stop getting into everyone else's business people would be less stressed and a lot happier.   One last grip before I close,  homeless beggars and homeless vets, veterans get a check from the government and wounded vets get paid accordingly so I don't see how they are not making it without being on the streets and for them to be begging for money rides my last nerve. And bums begging is a disgrace, if you are able to stand on a street corner and beg for money then you are able bodied enough to get a job and work.  If my husband and I can make it with a family to support then a single man or woman has no excuse why they can't make it without standing on the corner and bumming. Yes we have had hard times but we have always found a way to make it. People need to quit making excuses and stand up for themselves and make it. Yes sometimes people may need a hand up and there is nothing wrong with that but standing on the corner bumming is no excuse and a disgrace.

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