Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Being Blessed even in the little things

Today we signed the kids up for school and when we went to my daughters school they gave her a brand new pair of tennis shoes and 2 pair of socks and school supplies, afterwards we went to my sons school and they gave them each 4 outfits, socks and underwear and him a pair of shoes and school supplies.  They now have everything that they need to have a successful school year.  Also a prayer of my son's was answered because he is on the football team and his first practice is tonight.  The coach told him to show up with cleats which is funny because a few weeks ago my son was blessed with a new pair of cleats in hopes that he would be able to be on the team.  Even though we didn't know that he was going to be able to be on the team but, God knew and supplied what he needed in advance.  God is good all the time and in his time because school starts in 2 days and we did not know what we were going to do but, God knew and in His timing all needs were met.  I just sit back in awe as to how God continues to grow our faith and bless us day to day in what seems like small things to some people but, to us is a big thing right now.  I honestly believe that if we had not been obedient in paying our tithes that God would not have blessed us the way that He is right now.  Because we were tying God's hands by robbing him. People just don't understand what kind of a curse that they are bringing on themselves when they rob God of what is rightfully His to begin with.  It isn't a matter of God needing your money because God already owns everything but, it is about obedience to God. Now that we are tithing we have allowed God to open the windows of Heaven and to be able to bless us.  I will forever be in amazement of how good God is.  I would rather be in obedience to God than to bring on curses that punishes our whole family.  What is really awesome about this is that I didn't have to say anything to my husband about this.  He made up his mind for himself that we needed to start tithing and be in obedience.  I feel that this was important because he is the head of the household and he needs to lead this family.  I shouldn't have to talk him into it or convince him that it is the right thing to do.  He has to do it because it is something that he believes in and that God has dealt with him about and that is exactly what has happened.  I thank God daily that He is talking to my husband and that my husband is hearing His voice and obeying Him.  God has truly worked a miracle in His life with bringing his heart back around to Him.  I also feel that God is healing my husbands back and leg and that he will be completely healed.  I feel that it is a progress.  I will continue to keep everyone updated as to how God is moving in our lives and I pray that it touches someone and they would come to know God.  It is never to late and you have never gone to far away from God that you cannot go back to him all you have to do is talk to Him and ask him back into your life because no matter what God will not turn His back on you.

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