Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sometimes I want to scream

I honestly have faith that everything is going to be ok financially with our family. That doesn't mean that there are not times when I want to scream at the top of my lungs. It's not that I don't trust God because I do it's just that sometimes I get frustrated at circumstances. Today my husband went to a job that he didn't even know that he had signed up for which he didn't sign up for they just assigned it to him then as he's getting off work they tell him that he needs to come in on 2nd shift which is 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. these hours are not good for our family we can't do these hours with one vehicle. So he called and let the agency know that he could no longer do this job but when the job that he supposed to start on Tuesday opens that he will be more than happy to do that job. At first they were really angry about it and told him that he couldn't do any more jobs for them but then after putting him on hold they came back and said that he could go to the job on Tuesday. I honestly pray that this job will work out for my husband because he has to work somewhere to support our family. My husband wants to work and support his family that isn't the issue it's just the jobs that they sent him on there always seems to be an issue or problem. We have church tonight and I just pray that I can have some peace in God and learn more about how to handle situations as they come up. At first my husband called me around lunch time and said that he wanted to stay home tonight and just read the Bible himself I didn't argue with him but then he called me back and apologized and said he was wrong and that yes would definitely be going to church tonight. He makes me feel sometimes like he is being double-minded because He Flops back and forth with yes we're going to church every time the doors are open and then like today well let's just stay home but then turns around in the next breath and like says let's go to church I was wrong. He is quick to repent which is good it just makes me feel bad because of the unstable in his thinking at times. Some days he seems so on fire and then other days he seems defeated I pray for him to always feel on fire for God. I am by no means trying to say that I am perfect. There are days when in my natural human way I just don't feel it I do struggle I do have a hard time fighting with my flesh. I try not to show a defeated attitude around my husband because I don't want to bring him down. Sometimes I resent the fact that he tries to treat me as a mother figure or a caregiver for him I don't want to be that I just want to be his wife. I don't mind helping him put his socks on because I do know that sometimes he does have a hard time with that. But sometimes he acts as though he is so helpless and can't do anything for himself that makes me angry I don't want to be angry. I love my husband with all of my heart. I just want to wring his neck when he acts the way he does sometimes. We have issues that we have to work on daily but together with God's help we will overcome.

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