Monday, August 7, 2017

It has been awhile since I have blogged but I just felt like I needed to share this so here goes. We used to be involed in church and allowed God to guide and lead us but we backslid and quit attending church do to various excuses. Life got in the way. God never left us but we left God. Well a little over a month ago we felt like we needed to go back to church and change our lives so we went to church. We attended for a couple of weeks although that was it not much changed in our lives. Well circumstances happened and we moved and was able to get a nice place that we could afford but in moving we were not able to take most of our things or our furniture. It took every dime we had to move and we were literally broke. We had no money, no food and no where to turn. My husband applied at a job agency and received a job but he needed a certain color shirt so we took the last of the change we had which was $1.06 and went to the thrift store and bought the shirt. On the way home the truck broke down. We prayed and asked God to please help us. I googled food pantrys in our area and only one came up so we called it and the lady arranged to meet us even though they were closed. We thought the truck might make it to the food pantry but it wouldn't so i called the lady back and told her that our truck was broke down and we couldn't meet her. After hanging up we were so scared not knowing what to do next. The next morning we called the lady back and asked if they could please deliver some food to us. She called us back and said that she would deliver to us. She said that she doesn't normally do that but she would. So that evening she showed up and blessed us with food. Before she left she noticed that we had no furniture so she made a referal and also invited us to church. We told her that if our truck was fixed we would see her on Sunday. Well a neighbor told us that if we bought the parts he would fix the truck for cheap and on Friday my husband got his last check from a previous job. It was just enough to get the parts, pay the neighbor and put gas in the truck. So Saturday came and the truck got fixed and we were able to go pick up the few remaining things that we could fit in one load and we left the rest trusting that God would provide for us. Well true to our word we went to church and as my husband said it was like coming home we instantly knew we were in the right place and back where God wanted us to be. About a week later the lady delivered us furniture and the next couple of days gave us clothes for our son which he needed. Over this past month we have gotten closer to God and every night we do a Bible study together as as a family. Also my husband has decided frim hearing the pastor preach that we have to tithe on all of our income. Well God directed him to earn $20 and we were struggling because the job fell through and never called him in. We were hand washing clothes in our bathtub and hanging them on the truck to dry. But when he got the $20 he did laundry, got gas and had the $2 exactly left for tithes but he had to westle with the devil because he wanted to buy a soda lol. Bit he put his foot down and said no he was bo longer going to be cursed and he put the $2 in the church offering bucket. That was just the beginning. He did a one day job and then Burger King gave him a job but he had put in an application in at McDonald's also and even had an interview. But he went to work for Burger King and after about 3 hours they sent him home and told him to call back that night to find out when to come back well they had told him that he had to work on Sunday and he had prayed that he would get a job that would let him off on Sunday so he could ge to church. Well when he called burger king back they told him that they couldn't use him anymore. At the time it was confusing but we knew we had to trust God. Well a van comes around during the week that feeds the kids lunch and that has helped us so much and has been a blessing. Well McDonald's called and hired my husband and gave him every Sunday off. Well the 1st of the month came and first things first we paid tithes, then rent and put gas in the truck and then we were broke again but we were ok because we were trusting God because we paid tithes and we knew God would bless us. Well we got the pay for the one day job and the burger king pay and we paid tithes on those too and put gas in the truck and baught a few household things. Well yesterday we took the kids to the lake for family time but we knew the gas was running low and we didnt know what we were going to do but we never once regretted paying tithes and we knew all we could do was trust God because we knee that my husband's first paycheck would be next week so we decided to trust God. Well this morning I activated my husband's paycard for work and he had $37 on it because he got paid for the orientation that he went to for McDonald's. Well first things first we webt online and paid tithes. And when my husband gets home we have enough to get gas for the week and some food. Well the kids need shoes and clothes for school which starts this week and we have been trusting God because our hands are tied well i called the school this morning and our daughters school is getting her a pair of shoes and tomorrow i go to my son's school because they are giving away shoes and clothes and school supplies. God is so good and he comes through in his time and not ours all we have to do is be obedient and trust in Him. I know that God is going to continue blessing us and get us out of poverty because it is not his will that we live in poverty. And bow that we have quit robbing God we have seen him blessing us. I just felt like I needed to share our story and I pray that it helps someone.

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