Monday, August 14, 2017

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

Ok so today was payday yet again and after tithes, bills and gas we are yet again broke. I fully Thank God that are bills are paid for the week but it would be nice to have some money to buy some things that we need. For instance our son plays football but we can't watch him play because we have no money to get into his games. Also he goes straight to practice from school tomorrow before thw game and they are planning to get food from Bo Jangles and that is $6 that we dont have. My husband even tried to get a loan and got turned down. I feel so frustrated and I don't know what to do because we are doing everything we know to do. Praying, studying the Bible, tithing and trusting God. I feel so lost and it feels like we are headbutting a brick wall but there is no way that we are going to back down or give up. It just feels like we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We keep telling ourselves that everything is going to be ok. I just feel like crying and screaming when are the windows of heaven going to open up for us. Then we get a note from the office of where we live that they are no longer going to mow anyones yard and we are responsible for it and if it gets above 4 inches they will cut it and charge us $40. We have no way of cutting it and we surely dont have $40 to pay them to cut it so now what.

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