Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A does not = 1 and B does not = 2

Ok, so today ends the 1st week of a 10-week math class. I literally hate math. I have my reasons and they are as follows; who in their right mind added shapes and letters to math, why does the terminology constantly change from year to year, why can't we just keep using the same formulas to do the math, and so much more. Personally, I feel that whoever keeps messing with math needs to be smacked in the head with a very large calculator. I just can't seem to keep up with it. I even showed my daughter who is in 7th grade (she skipped a grade and she is acing 7th-grade math) and she doesn't even understand this math. It all looks greek to me. It really is sad because I can do our own taxes every year, balance a monthly budget, and keep a household running but, I can't keep up with math classes. It makes me feel dumb at times but, I know I am not dumb and that I am really smart it is just that it really aggravates me at times. Well on a brighter note, we filled taxes yesterday and in 20 more days we will be moving into our very own place. I am over the top excited. It will be so nice to be able to walk around without running into someone or walking into everything that is piled everywhere because this place is just to small for all of our stuff and all of these people. I love each and every person that is in our home and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. I just really need some space and they really do need their own space too. It will be so nice for everyone to have their rooms and for them to be able to shut their doors and have their own quiet space. I can't wait to decorate and make things nice and just be relaxed. I can't wait until we can have people over and not have to worry about being embarrassed about not having a decent place. I know that when we moved here it was just temporary but, man it has been really stressful for all of us. Our oldest compared it to serving out a jail sentence and counting down the days. I really can understand that analogy, I have never been to jail but, I can imagine that this is somewhat what it might be like. I just am going to use my remaining time to go through things and get rid of junk and concentrate on my school work. At least this will give me enough time to properly pack things up and label them so it won't be so hard on us when we move them to our new permanent place. Well, it has gotten late because I had to finish up some homework and look at what I needed to have completed by midnight and then in looking at it found that I was stressed over nothing because I had already completed everything for this week that needed to be done. I will close for now and try to write more tomorrow. I have a doctors appointment in the morning for knee injections in both knees so wish me luck.

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