Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Have your deadbeats spade or neutered

Yesterday I was so upset and aggravated about how the child support system in our country is set up. It by no means is set up to help the children but, is more set up to protect the rights of the deadbeats. More and more grandparents are having to step up and care for their grandchildren and the number grows daily. It is said that our country chooses not the help the grandparents financially. We were told that the absent deadbeat now owes us $5000 and the state $15,000. There is an active felony warrant against the deadbeat but, they still have not arrested him. Even though they know where he works at they have still failed to arrest him on this outstanding warrant. He has been on the run for years now and they still are not doing anything to solve the problem. Now if the tables were turned and it was my husband and I then most definitely they would have already put us under the jail. We were also informed that since we are receiving assistance which is $225 for 2 kids a month that we are not entitled to the backpay that we are owed by a said deadbeat. So you mean to tell me the times that when we did not receive the assistance and he was court-ordered to pay us that now he doesn't have to pay us the money until said child reaches 18 and is no longer eligible for assistance that then we can collect our money if he chooses to pay us? This to me does not seem quite fair. The only people that the state is really hurting are the child, not the adults. Oh and let me add here that the deadbeat only owes us for one child because only one is his. He is ordered to pay $180 a month for one child and the assistance that we receive is $225 for 2 children. We were told that if we wanted to receive the $180 a month that he pays once in a blue moon when he feels like it that all we have to do is stop receiving assistance. Let me see, we get a guarantee of $225 a month or drop that and get $180 once or twice a year when he feels like it. Yeah like my older son said, "a bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush". Yeah I know he isn't the original author of that line but, that is what he said this morning about this situation. So my whole thoughts on this matter are, Everyone should help control the idiot population have your deadbeats spade or neutered. Maybe this will help the taxpayers save money in the long run. And while we are talking about saving taxpayers money what is up with leaving people who have been sentenced to the death penalty in prison for years waiting to die? Then on top of that, we give them a last meal of whatever they want. I feel that it is a waste of food because they are just going to die anyway. Wouldn't it be better to give that food to people who are hungry? Then last night I hear that States are trying to go against the 2nd Amendment and keep people from having guns. Well hello, our county was founded on the Amendments and they are the supreme law and the government cannot go against the amendments. It is clearly our Godgiven right to bear arms and I do not feel that it is legal for the government to think that they can take our rights away. Ok I guess I have angry ranted enough for toady.

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