Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Okay so am I the only one who has nicknames that you call people? I mean not to their faces but, to your spouse or someone close to you that knows that person.  Well my husband and older son work at a factory here in town and when they get off work they tell me all about the people at their work and it sounds like they are working on the set of a cheesy soap opera which I have named, "As the Stomach Turns".  There are various characters that star in this soap opera and I am going to tell you their character names and a little bit of information behind how they got their character names.  First off we have Door Knob and she is a middle aged woman who has been married 4 times and every one of her exes works at the factory and every guy with the exception of my husband and son, fall all over themselves flirting with her.  Now you might be thinking wow to get that much attention she must be drop dead gorgious, but no she is not pretty at all.  Now let me tell you, I am secure enough in my womanhood that if another woman is pretty I will be one of the first to say that she is pretty but, if a mud fence is cuter then I am going to tell you that the mud fence is cuter.  Then we have the twins who are not really twins but, I call them twins and they also drive similar trucks that are oversized and way to big for them to be driving.  Their names are Taco and Burrito, yes they are hispanic and both are short.  I told my husband and son today that they need to drive a vehicle that is more their size like a smart car or a rollarskate and my son said that they could probablly both fit on a skateboard.  Then we have hemroid and how he got his name is that he constantly has his head so far up the formanes ass that he looks like a hemroid hanging out.  Then there is the foreman which my husband nicknamed dickhead because there is no pleasing the man.  No matter how hard they work or how much they get done it is never good enough.  Then you have the hall monitor who is suposed to be driving the fork life but, he will go past all the bathrooms and bang on the door like the police. Then there is chicken fucker, now I didn't come up with that name the guys did because aparently he told them that he would screw anything including a chicken.  Although there is a bunch more characters at the factory that is all of the nicknames that I can think of at this time.  There is never a dull moment at their work and they fill me in on the juciey details of the gossip going on and let me tell you it sounds just like a paton place.  Well I must go for now because I am having pysical theripy on my sholder today.  So bye for now.  Love and peace to all of my friends and family.

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