Monday, May 13, 2019

Just my opinion

Well another Mother's Day has come and gone.  I have to say that I did enjoy my day because my husband cooked and cleaned and I got to sit in bed all day and watch TV and play on my phone.  Any day that I can just relax is a great day.   I received no phone calls at all or text or emails which was really no surprise because why should it be any different than any other day.  I'm just saying that it did not come as any big shock that I was not contacted or acknowledged.  It is funny the things that are not right with life that you get used to and come to expect. It is funny in a sad way not funny as in ha ha.  It really is crazy how complete strangers online treat you better than your own flesh and blood or the ones that you raised as your own.  It is really a sad situation.  On a different note, the other day I wrote about how I do not feel that it is right that people from other countries come to america illigally and expect that the government should finanually take care of them.  And the crazy part is that our government is dumb enough to actually do it.  We have leagal United States citizens that have faught for our country in the military that need help and we claim we are to broke to help assist them but, yet we are taking better care of illigal aligns that sneak into our country.  People want to complain about Trump wanting to build a wall to keep the illigals out but, then they have built camps for the illigals that they have caught and they are taking care of them instead of just shipping them back to where they came from.  I have no problem of any race coming to America to live just as long as they do it the legal way.  No that does not make me racist in the least little bit.  I feel that everyone should be treated equally.  Another thing that I do not feel is right is the people that come over here illigally and get into trouble with the law and then they get put into our jails and our tax money goes to taking care of them.  Legally here or not if you are originally here from a different country and you cause legal problems here in America then I feel that you need to be shipped back to your home country for them to deal with and take care of and not be allowed to reenter the United States.  Other countries would not allow American citizen to act out and be allowed to stay in their country or even be able to visit or live there.  I just find that it is crazy how other countries can have walls and rules but the minute that the United States talks about building a wall or imposing rules all of a sudden we are racist.  Isn't that a little bit hypocritical?  I mean I am just saying that that is an observation that I have made.  Also some races come her and work for cash and then send the money back to their home country.  This does nothing to help our economy because the money is not getting taxed and helping us.  It is benefiting another country and that really should not be our responcibility.  Also I don't like the fact that people move to the United States because they claim it is so much better here but then they want to talk against our way of life.  It they feel that the United States is so terible then they should pack up and move back to their home country.  Well I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and I welcome a discusion on this matter so if anyone that reads this would like to discuss this more indepth or give me their opinion on the topic please feel to comment so I can have feedback.  Well I am going to close this blog for now.  Peace and love to all my friends and family.

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