Wednesday, March 13, 2019

CBD oils for pain and other things

Some people think that I am weird or strange because I would rather you something that is all natural and comes from the earth to heal and help any condition.  I feel as though the pharmaceutical companies are all about the money that they can make and they really are not concerned that they are just trying to pump us full of chemicals because when this happens they just give us another pill for that condition.  I am getting to a point that I am tired of pumping my body full of pills and it is only masking the problem for a time and not really helping.  In 2010 I weighed almost 400 pounds and my doctors were always on my back about losing weight but, no matter what I was doing nothing was helping me to lose weight.  So my doctor sent me to a nutritionist for 6 months and I was extremely faithful to the program and I had to keep a food diary and I wrote down every single thing that I ate and drank in my diary.  I mean if I ate one bite of anything or drank one drink of anything it was written down. At the end of 6 months I was lucky if I lost even 20 pounds.  I was also in a Gastric Bypass program with the Georgetown Ky hospital and going through all the steps to be able to have Gastric Bypass surgery.  At the end of 6 months my Bariattric doctor called and said that I had passed all the medical and mental process and nutritional process and he was ready to schedule my surgery.  I was so extremely pleased because I was told that all of the health issues that I was having would more than likely go away.  At the time I was only like 25 different medications and I was having to set reminders because a lot of them were 3-4 times a day.  After surgery I had dropped down to 212 but now I am back up to 250, now I know that is still a good weight but, I want to weight under 200. I don't care if it is 199, I don't have a real reason I just have that desire.  Well after surgery I did lose some illnesses like diabetes and I did lose some medicines.  Now I am on like 18 medicines and have a slew of illnesses.  I am really not happy with it at all so I am debating on trying CBD oils because I have talked to several credible people that have either tried or are using CBD oils or they have done extensive research on CBD oil.  I am going on Thursday to check the prices of a CBD oil store here locally and depending on the prices I am going to try it out and I will definitely let y'all know how it works for me.  My husband is also thinking of trying it also but I think he wants to see how I react to it.  Oh and believe me I will tell my doctor what I am doing because I have gotten to a point where I really don't care if my doctor agrees or disagrees with anything that I am doing if I feel that it is something that is important or beneficial to my health.  I have extreme pain in my knees due to arthritis, bone spurs and the cushion being wore almost gone.  My doctor says that I am still young at 45 and he really doesn't want me to have 2 complete knee replacements right now because even they don't last forever.  So in the mean time they give me cortisone injections in both knees every 4-6 months.  Last year they tried cortisone shots were wearing off way to soon so they tried a gel cushion injection in both knees that was really uncomfortable and it helped for about 10 months and they we were back to square one.  Last night my husband finally talked me into going to the ER because I have been gritting my teeth and just bearing the pain.  The meds that my doctor has me on do absolutely nothing to ease any of my pain and then also dealing with Fybromyalgia it just seams to be a never ending pain in everywhere.  Well the doctor at the ER was really nice, he gave me a cortisone injection in both knees and a pain shot in my hip and waited 20 minutes and sent me home.  I can't lie the pain shot did help take all my pain away and I have minimum pain right now and the cortisone will help for about 4 months.  So I am going to try out the CBD oils because I can no longer live with this pain and I have to many things that I want to do.  I want to lose this 51 pounds and I can't do that without some exercise program which I actually have here at home.  I also am going to be growing a garden this year and canning what we grow and I am so excited and I can't wait.  I really love doing things like this.  I also cannot wait until the boys move into the basement because then I get my craft room and I am going to decorate and paint it and it is going to be awesome I am excited.  I love taking rooms and remodeling them and making them look amazing.  When we first stepped into this house I looked beyond the smell and trash and I saw so much potential in the house that I was like oh yes I want it.  Now my husband on the other hand he was like nope "hell no".  If has a problem looking at what something could be.  It is so funny how we are complete opposites like that, but then after I have done what I want to do with a room with his help of course he will sit back and look at the before and after pictures and be like "wow this is amazing I can't believe how good it looks now".  I am now in the process of editing pictures to have printed out and put in frames so I can hang them on our family tree wall.  I also like taking pictures and editing them.  I have a thing about taking something and making it look so much better.  Well I have to go for now, I have laundry washing and clothes to fold, I have steak laid out for dinner, and a few dishes to wash up and I have a few little projects I want to get done.  Well I am hopping off of here and I want to wish Peace and Love to all my friends and family.

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