Thursday, March 28, 2019

Life can be crazy

Well this morning I woke at 5:30 AM as usual, got up went to the bathroom and then made coffee.  I was supposed to take my husband to work so that way I could go pay some bills and shop a little bit but, our daughter decided that she was going to bull up and not go to school because she didn't feel good.  I fully understand that she is sick and don't feel good because her tonsils are swollen and infected but, I have took her to the doctor and she is on an antibiotic and she doesn't need to be missing school because really there is no reason for her to be home.  For some reason she hates going to school and I don't really know how to handle it.  I cannot home school her because health wise I just can't do it.  Also we bump heads and it really would not work out.  The problem is that she is too smart for her own good and she hates authority.  We have spoke with a counselor and she will be meeting with her at least once a week at the school which I believe will help.  Also they are going to have her meet with a psychiatrist to see if maybe she needs to be on any kind of medication.  I know that medication is not always the answer but, I also know that sometimes it is necessary at least to help work through some issues.  Some people, like me, need to be on medication to help regulate hormones in the body and the chemicals in their system because some people's bodies just don't have the things that they need because of the pregnancy of their mother.  My mother experienced a great deal of stress while she was pregnant and she had to work hard and was on her feet for long hours.  Also I had a traumatic birth experience due to being stuck in the birth canal for 72 hours and then once I was born my head was swollen.  Also since being alive I have had multiple time that I have experienced traumatic experiences so I feel that is what has contributed to my mental health state of being.  I feel that her mental health state is due to the fact of all the drugs and alcohol that her biological mother consumed.  Then since being alive she has experienced traumatic experiences.  Her brother is also in need of counseling so they are going to set that up at his school.  He also has experienced the same traumatic experiences in and out of the womb so they are also going to set him up with a psychiatrist.  Well I am trying so hard to housebreak this dog of my husbands and it is about to drive me up a wall because he will stay outside forever walking around and he will do his business and then come inside and not 2 minutes later due his business in the house.  At first my husband wanted to just do nothing about it but, fuss and like I told him, he is just like a child and he has to be taught.  When you see him do it you how it to him and swat his bottom and then take him outside again that way he knows that he needs to go to the door and go outside instead of going in the floor.  He is really smart so I know that he can do it.  Bastian has bladder problems but he does at least go on either a puppy pad or sometimes on the linoleum or hardwood floor.  I mean at least it isn't on the carpet.  I am not going to lie yes they do have accidents on the carpet in our room and it pisses my hubby off because the carpet wasn't cheap to buy and put in but, I do try my hardest to keep them from doing it.  We have the living room blocked off so they are not able to be in there unless one of us is in there with them. Since I was not able to go pay bills today I have to spend tomorrow running around crazy.  Oh well at least on Saturday we get to go relax and have a little fun with our friends and family.  We are going to visit our Granddaughter, Sister (our kids aunt sort of), mother-in-law, father-in-law, and friends.  Then we are going to go to the suite and relax and have some drinks and eat and then relax and watch some TV and rest.  Then we are going to eat breakfast the next morning and then go pick up our daughter from her sister's house and probably go back over to my in-laws house to say goodbye and then come home and rest until they have to get up on Monday and go back to work.  Next week is spring break for the kids so we are going to do some things around the yard to make it look nicer outside.  Also we are going to finish remodeling my daughter's room and hopefully her bathroom also.  Well I must go cook dinner for this crew.  Closing for today.  Peace and Love my family and friends.

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