Monday, March 11, 2019

Stand Your Ground Law (Pros and Cons)

Okay people lets discuss the pros and cons of the Stand your Ground Law.  Last night I watched a documentary on BET about the Stand your Ground Law.  I felt that this documentary was extremely bias due to the fact that it was shown on a African American television network.  Apparently a majority of the African American community feels that the Stand your Ground Law is a legal OK for white people to shoot and kill other races.  They attempt to show the cases where white people have shot African Americans and the Stand your Ground Law has protected them from charges.  The only thing is that one of the cases that they have tried to site is the Zimmerman case in Florida.  The problem with their theory on this case is that Zimmerman was the shooter and he is not white he is of the Hispanic race.  Yes Zimmerman went free and no I do not agree with the fact that he went free because if he would have stayed in his car like the 911 operator had told him to do then he wouldn't have felt "threatened" for his life.  I feel personally that there are pros and cons with this law as with really any law that is passed.  Anyone with a lawyer worth their salt will be able to find a loop hole in any law and the person guilty or not will walk free.  That is just one of the downfalls that there is with our justice system.  I do believe that in cases where there is real evidence that a person is in real danger such as the other person is bigger than them and if the other person has a weapon.  Elderly people I believe can benefit from this law because in the day and age that we live in elderly people are taken care of and respected like they once were in generations long ago.  So many elderly people are being attacked, raped and robbed and our generation now days just turns a blind eye to this.  So yes in these cases do I believe that they should have the right to own a firearm and they should by all means blow away anyone who tries to hurt them in anyway.  Now I do not feel that this should give them a licence to act as though they are built proof and Billy Bad ass.  This is what I am talking about with the good and bad with any law.  I really do not feel that the Stand your Ground Law is a free pass for white people to shoot other races and I do not feel that people should hide behind this law to have an excuse to kill another human being.  There is a case going on right now in Florida and I am seeing both sides to the story but, I do not feel as though the man had a need to shoot and kill the other man for a few reasons. One: he had been acting like a Billy bad ass and a trouble maker in the past at the same convenient store, Two: the man was walking away from him.  Now do I feel that he had a right to defend himself, by all means yes because the man came out of the store and pushed him down on the ground.  As a grown man he should have know better than to put his hands on another person.  He shoved the man extremely hard as can be seen in the video because the guy feel backwards pretty hard.  If the white guy had a problem with the black guy parking in a handicap spot his reaction should have been to either go inside and tell the cashier and let them handle it or call the police and let them handle it.  He should have never approached the vehicle and tried to take matters into his own hands.  His actions set him up as being a hothead and caused the black man to want to retaliate.  Yes I know that the black man was very wrong for parking in a handicap shot without having any papers to do so.  I am handicap and it is extremely aggravating to have someone who doesn't have a paper to park in a handicap shot just because it is more convenient for them, they clearly do not realize just how important it is for us fellow handicap individuals to be able to park in those so few precious spots, but it is not my job to police the area and call "citizens arrest" like Barney Fife, that is clearly the men and women in blue's job.  Now a place where I feel the Stand your Ground Law does come in as a good law is when someone breaks into your home you have a right to defend yourself with deadly force if necessary.  The reason I feel like you should be able to use deadly force to protect your home is because no one should have the right to come into your home uninvited and try to steal from you or inflect harm on your or your family.  Your home is sacred and it is your place of refuge and no one has the right to invade your private space.  A lot of people are against people owing guns but, I am going to leave this right here, I am a legal American citizen and you better believe that I am going to own and carry a gun for my protection and safety.  That is in the constitution and it is my God given right to do so.  As people say this is America where we have the freedom to believe how we choose to believe and it is your right if you are a legal American citizen to choose whether or not you believe in God and whether or not you choose to have a firearm but, when the time comes that someone breaks into your home and threatens you with bodily harm I guarantee that you will call the police (who carry guns) and you will pray that they show up before the person hurts you or your family.  Now if you chose to have your own firearm then you could have protected yourself if need be.  Since I feel that it is your right to choose not to have a firearm, I respect that then you should also in the same respect the choice that I have made to have a firearm.  Also people lets get off of all of this racial kick that all of America is on and quit twisting and turning everything that is done into a race war.  People need to quit looking at the color of a person skin and judging them on the past or stereotyping them.  Everyone is their own individual person and as such should be treated that way.  I am considered white because of my skin color and because of that why would anyone stereotype me as being a skin head or KKK member, just as if your skin color is Black that doesn't mean that you are an NAACP card carrying street thug.  I think that is just dumb.  My family is a smorgasbord of different races.  For instances my God parents are black, one aunt is German and their kids are part German, one aunt is Hispanic and their kids are part Hispanic, I have part Hispanic grandchildren, my grandfather's side of the family is direct descendent to the Queen of England, my brother-in-law is Hispanic, my ex-son-in-law is Hispanic.  So yeah my family is a mix of a lot of different races and ethnic backgrounds.  I do not have racist bone in my body.  I can pretty much be friends of any race, size color, ethnic background, sexual orientation or religion.  As long as you are not trying to push me into your mold or way of thinking then we can be friends, but the minute you start pushing me that is when we will have problems.  I respect you and I deserve the same type of respect back.  My philosophy is really simple, you do you and I'll do me.  If more people could except that then the world would be a much better place and everyone could finally be at peace.  I am heartbroken over the fact that so many people especially young people are taking their own lives or are attempting to because people even grown adults are trying to push their thoughts and beliefs on them and bullying them to the point that they are so miserable that they feel the only way to make it stop is to kill themselves.  I by no means agree with the various sexual orientations, I am a one man and one woman that's it believer, but if you choose to not agree with that than it's okay we can choose to agree to disagree and we can still be friends.  I will not try and point out how I feel that you are wrong and I expect for you to show me the same respect and leave it alone.  My husband on the other hand is the complete opposite he has a hard time with other genders and with some races depending on how they act.  I can see why he believes the way he does but, that still doesn't mean that I agree with him.  Does this mean I love him any less, no we have just agreed to disagree on this point and we don't dwell on it.  I hope that this has helped someone be able to have an aha moment and really think about their way of believing.  Just remember, You do you and I'll do me and we will all be happier in the end.  Peace and Love my friends and family.

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